Acupuncture energy in balance for your pet


Acupuncture is an Eastern treatment method that has been applied to people and animals for more than 3,000 years.

It is a technique for relieving pain and improving the functioning of various organs by stimulating certain points in the body.

Acupuncture can help reduce pain in dogs, cats, rabbits...

Acupuncture is helpful for your dog, cat, or other small pet

  • Orthopaedic problems
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Gastrointestinal conditions
  • Epilepsy
  • Problems with specific organs
  • Etc.
Read more about acupuncture
Dieren Acupunctuur
Dieren Acupunctuur
Dieren Acupunctuur
Dieren Acupunctuur

Kiki Vleeschouwers

Dr Vleeschouwers is a veterinarian and acupuncturist.

She obtained her certificate in acupuncture from the ‘International Veterinary Acupuncture Society’ (IVAS), after a 2-year course, in 1997.

Read all about Kiki